It’s not about what you wear or what you did yesterday.


It’s not about what you have to wear to church. It’s not about what you did yesterday. It’s about the One who wants to touch every aspect of your life. God’s love is REAL and unconditional. Dress up, dress down. It’s up to you. Just come.


You are welcome at Momentum Church

We have two services each week to prepare you for life and to reassure every human being that God is undeniably in love with you. On Sundays we worship and share God’s Word. On Thursday we do it again but in a more intimate setting where you can ask questions and gain a deeper understanding.

You don’t have to come spotless or strong. Jesus died for our sins so that we could be in God’s presence. It’s in His presence that we become strong in Him.

We’re honored to be called to serve. Let’s worship God and build lives.

- Pastor Barrett & First Lady India Watson


Worship God & Build Lives

What We Believe

We believe that through Jesus Christ you can be reconciled with God. 


Our Faith

  • We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that he was born of a virgin birth.

  • We believe that He lived a sinless life, was crucified and died.

  • We believe that Jesus after his crucifixion and death rose from the grave and is now seated at the right hand of God our Father

  • We believe that Jesus was the lamb that was slain before the foundations of the earth and is a sacrifice for sins.

Who We Are

Momentum Church is a diverse group of believers.   Many of our faithful members have recently relocated to the Memphis Metro Area and now call Momentum Church their spiritual home. We are not a big church but we have many cultures represented.  We have "seasoned" believers and new converts.  We believe that our strength is in our sincere worship and our relationship with fellow believers.

We are a transparent group of believers that love to worship God and are motivated to do better in life.  We all have been broken and now understand our need for a savior.